Retrieval of Certificates in Haiti
For more than two decades, Inherit.Estate has assisted thousand of clients from all over the world in the retrieval of certificates in Haiti. For instance, birth, marriage, divorce, and death certificates. Our network of record locators can perform broad searches for all documents in case vital information is missing or not available
Haiti is located in the Caribbean Sea, sharing the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic. The country has a total area of 27,750 square kilometers and a population of approximately 11 million people. Haiti is known for its mountainous terrain, with the highest peak being Pic la Selle, standing at 2,680 meters above sea level. The country also has numerous rivers, including the Artibonite, which is the longest river in Haiti, and Lake Azuei, which is the largest lake in the country.
Haiti was the first independent nation in Latin America and the Caribbean, gaining independence from France in 1804. The country has a rich history, including a period of slavery under French colonial rule, a revolution led by Toussaint L’Ouverture, and political turmoil in the 20th century. In recent years, Haiti has faced a number of challenges, including natural disasters, political instability, and economic struggles.
Haiti has a rich cultural heritage and natural beauty, making it a potential tourism destination. The country has numerous historical sites, including the Citadelle Laferrière, a fortress built in the early 19th century, and the National Museum of Haiti. The latter showcases the country’s history and culture. Haiti is also famous for its beaches, including Labadee, Jacmel, and Port-Salut. However, the country’s tourism industry has been impacted by political instability, crime, and natural disasters. Unfortunately, this turns the country into a challenging destination for tourists.
Our broad network of specialists provides services throughout Haiti, especially in the following places: Petit-Trou-de-Nippes, Pignon, Pilate, Plaine-du-Nord, Plaisance, Plaisance-du-Sud, Pointe-à-Raquette, Port-à-Piment, Port-au-Prince, Port-de-Paix, Port-Margot, Port-Salut, Quartier-Morin, Ranquitte, etc.